Conquer the Waters

Exclusive Gear for Dedicated Swimmers

Dive into excellence with gear that’s been through every stroke, dive, and flip turn. Here at FLOW Swimmers, we don't just represent ANY swim gear; we live and breathe the very essence of swimming. From the cool, glassy mornings on Flathead Lake to the competitive buzz of the pool, we've experienced the thrill of the water in all its forms. As the founder of FLOW Swimmers and a dedicated coach, I’ve hand-selected each item, partnering with trusted brands like DryRobe changing poncho, TheMagic5 goggles, Blue70 wetsuits, and for complete swim gear selection. These are more than just products; they’re the armor and allies in your quest for personal bests and the joy of swimming. Trust in gear that’s been tested by the dedicated, for the dedicated.

At the heart of every training session I design is a promise — I would never ask you to swim a practice set I haven't conquered myself. This same principle guides my selection of gear. Every piece of equipment I recommend has been personally tested and approved in the very waters where I chase my goals. From the warmth of a DryRobe, the precise fit of TheMagic5 goggles, the performance of a Blue70 wetsuits, and the essential selections at— if it's not good enough for my swim, it's not good enough. I believe in providing only the gear that's worthy of our shared passion for the water.

20% OFF Blue Seventy with discount code: FLOW